Breast Augmentation
It is well known that large breast size among women increases their confidence and makes them more self-satisfied.
Why do women go for breast augmentation surgeries?
Many women go for breast augmentation surgeries to improve their self-esteem and increase self-confidence by getting a large and full breast shape with a permanent aesthetic look. Some women may also suffer from the problem of breast volume asymmetry. These problems may be due to genetic factors, severe weight loss, or after pregnancy. These problems can be solved through breast augmentation surgeries to provide a harmonious appearance for both breasts.
Factors affecting breast size:
The breast is affected by many factors that cause its reduced size and inconsistency with the body. The most important of these factors is heredity, as it is almost the main reason for the small size of the breast compared to the normal body shape. Also, some hormonal changes affect the size of the breast significantly, especially in puberty, in contrast to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, which significantly increase breast size to prepare for the breastfeeding process, but it is a temporary increase after which the breast size will return to normal, in about 3 to 6 months of stopping breastfeeding.
How is breast enlargement done?
There are two methods of breast augmentation, either through silicone breast augmentation or by self-fat injection. However, silicone breast augmentation is the best and most popular internationally and locally.
What is the silicone used in breast augmentation?
It is a slightly solid gelatinous material that gives a natural texture to human tissues when touched. It consists of liquid silica, silicone gel, hydrogel, and a simple saline solution. There are also different sizes of silicone implants, ranging from 100 to 700 cubic centimeters.
Steps of silicone breast augmentation with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
• The specialized anesthesiologist will apply general anesthesia to the patient.
• Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al Sherifa will make a surgical incision under the breast, which ranges from 3 to 5 centimeters in length, to insert silicone implants into the breast. This is the ideal place to insert silicone implants and hide the surgical incision for surgery without any traces after the surgery.
• Then Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al Sherifa begins to insert the silicone implants inside the breast directly under the tissues or under its muscles; to ensure its stability and immobility over time. The upper part of the silicone implant is under the pectoral muscle, and the lower part is under the gland.
• Then he begins to sew the surgical opening with cosmetic threads that do not leave any trace after the surgery and puts bandages on them. Also, many doctors may perform 3D mammography to provide a pre-surgical illustration that reassures the patient's shape after the surgery.
How to choose the appropriate silicone implant for each patient?
The choice of silicone implant in each case depends on the desired shape, as there are several forms of silicone implant used in the process of breast augmentation with silicone, which are:
• Round shape: It is the type of silicone that gives a fuller shape to the mammary glands than their normal size.
• Teardrop Shape: It is a type that gives a more natural shape, and it is consistent with the body features without making any difference.
Before the silicone breast augmentation procedure, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will measure the breast and determine its height, length, degree of sagging, the percentage of its protrusion to the outside, and the tolerance of the patient’s skin according to her skin thickness.
The surgeon examines the nipples and their height and determines the breast required ratios to identify the suitable silicone implant size. Choosing the appropriate silicone implant size ensures the appearance of the breast in natural size without artificial form, as the size of the silicone implants ranges from 100 to 700 cubic centimeters. Also, the doctor will recommend some clinical and laboratory examinations before the surgical procedures to ensure the patient's safety and general health suitability for the surgery.
Instructions that Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will advise you after the silicone breast augmentation procedure:
After the silicone breast augmentation procedure, the swelling or inflammation may continue for several weeks. Therefore, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will advise you, after the silicone breast augmentation surgery, to follow the following:
1. Keep wearing a compressive bra to reduce swelling after the surgery and keep the silicone implants in place.
2. Avoid practicing any strenuous exercise or any violent physical activity that may cause an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure for at least 2 weeks, and avoid lifting anything heavy or lying on the back in a way that presses on your breast.
3. The surgical site should not be subjected to any sensitive process, strong physical contact, or sudden concussion.
4. Maintain the fluid drainage tubes that are placed in the surgical incisions of the breast in the manner that the doctor will advise you to follow; to avoid infection of the wound site.
Side effects that may result from silicone breast augmentation:
Silicone breast augmentation may cause minor bleeding or breast pain after the surgery, or a slight change in the sensation of the nipple or the breast in general. Also, some infection or leakage of the implant may occur.
Do silicone implants cause breast cancer, as some people claim?
There is absolutely no scientific evidence that silicone breast implants cause breast cancer, but it is required that the type of silicone implants used conform to the standard and international specifications. They must be approved by the FDA, to ensure their complete safety without causing any harm to you.
Silicone breast augmentation is not recommended if you suffer from the following:
• If you suffer from a tumor or inflammation in the breast area.
• If you have some psychiatric illnesses or huge concerns about breast augmentation.
• If you suffer from abnormal blood clotting issues.
• If you have very thin skin that is unsuitable for the surgery because it can cause severe bleeding after the surgery.