Breast Reduction
Why do some women go for breast reduction surgery?
Many women who are not satisfied with the shape and size of their breasts go for breast reduction surgery. This surgery spreads among women who suffer from the problem of inconsistency in the size of their breasts so that one breast is larger than the other, or both are significantly large, causing shoulder pain, skin rashes, or severe inflammations due to their large size. Breast reduction surgery aims to achieve harmony between the breast and the whole body so that the female’s self-confidence and the extent of her satisfaction with her shape improve. In breast reduction surgery, excess fat and tissue are removed from the breast in a way that makes the breasts symmetrical and have a natural appearance.
Complications that may occur from a large breast:
Large breast size can cause pain in:
• back.
• waist.
• Neck.
It can also cause some eczema, unpleasant odors due to excessive sweating, or irritation to the skin underneath.
Who are the candidates for breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction surgery is highly suitable for:
• The woman who has dissatisfaction with the shape of her body and her breast harmony.
• The woman who wants to improve her body figure and give it more femininity.
• The woman whose large breasts cause back and neck pain.
• The woman who is over the age of 18 years and breast size has been stabilized and developed completely.
• The woman who has difficulty in fitting bras or wearing other clothing.
• The woman who has realistic ideas about the outcome of the surgery and its impact on the breast and the complications that may result.
Are there types of breast reduction surgery?
Yes, there are two types of breast reduction surgery, and they are classified according to the nature of the procedure through which the breast is reduced to:
1. Breast reduction through liposuction: In this process, breast reduction is done by making several small incisions in the breast, so that the length of each wound is about 2 to 5 millimeters only, through which excess fat is suctioned from the breast after it has been dissolved, After that, the breast will return to its normal size without leaving any visible or deep surgical incisions after the surgery.
2. Breast reduction surgery by making surgical incisions in the breast: This process is often accompanied by breast lifting as well. It provides the woman with a tight aesthetic appearance in an attractive feminine way. This surgery is almost the most well-known among plastic surgeons in breast reduction surgeries.
Instructions that Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will advise you before breast reduction surgery:
Before breast reduction surgery, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will discuss with you the steps of the surgery in the operating room, the type of anesthesia that you will need, the final result that you desire and the percentage of obtaining it, and some complications or negative effects that may result from the surgery. You will be asked to:
• Stop smoking at least 2 weeks before your breast reduction surgery.
• Stop taking certain medications, such as aspirin, to avoid bleeding during the surgery.
• Perform some further examinations, such as: examining the breasts, recording their measurements, performing comprehensive blood tests, and taking a chest X-ray.
• Record your family's medical history and whether there is a hereditary disease.
• Return to work and start your daily life at least 2 weeks after the surgery.
Steps of breast reduction surgery by making a surgical incision in the breast with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
After anesthetization, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa makes a surgical incision in the breast around the brown areola of the nipple and the bottom of the breast, through which liposuction and removal of excess tissue will be performed.
- Then he will correct the position of the nipples until the breast restores its natural shape and appearance.
- He will close the incisions in the breast by using cosmetic threads that leave no trace after healing.
- He covers those sutures with medical bandages attached to the drainage tubes for fat and excess blood, and he will tell you the appropriate handling methods.
After the breast reduction surgery through the surgical incision with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa, he will advise you to follow the following:
• The need to stay in the hospital for at least a day after the surgery to monitor your health.
• The need to wear a medical corset after the surgery to avoid excessive swelling in the breast.
• Maintaining the use of pain relievers and antibiotics; to reduce pain after the surgery and reduce the chances of infection.
• Avoid wearing bras that contain metal parts, especially in the first period after the surgery.
• Go to the follow-up visit after one week.
• Avoid practicing strenuous sports activities, violent physical activity, or carrying any heavy objects at least 2 weeks after the surgery.
• Applying a towel containing ice to the surgical site or an ice bag for 2 days after the surgery; to reduce the resulting swelling as much as possible.
Are there possible complications after breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction surgery is like any other surgery that may have some risks or complications that occur in some cases, among these complications:
• Bleeding during or after the surgery.
• The presence of pain in the breast makes it difficult to practice breastfeeding after the surgery.
• Absence or weakness of sensation in the breast or nipples in particular. It may be temporary or permanent.
• The presence of surgical incision scars after the surgery.
• The occurrence of infection or inflammation resulting from the surgery.
• Blockage of the milk ducts so the patient may become unable to practice breastfeeding.
Can a male breast reduction be performed?
Yes, it is possible to do a breast reduction for men who suffer from gynecomastia, which affects their masculine appearance and causes them to feel embarrassed. The breasts are usually large in men due to hormonal imbalances, especially estrogen and testosterone, or in some families with a genetic history of gynecomastia among its members, or obesity.